Sunday, April 27, 2008

Running through the Sagebrush

Summer thinks its time has come already but Spring persists in her burst of wildflowers.

I ran about 5 or 6 miles along dirt Mulholland and the trails this morning. It was very hot. The yellow mustard blooms have passed their peak and the sagebrush is now taking the crown of blossoming glory. So many butterflies...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ran 5 miles on Dirt Mulholland

The wildflowers were breathtaking! Too bad I didn't have my camera.

Ran 3 miles in the starlight last week. It was late when I got home but I had to run. No moon. I ran up Mulholland. I took a side road in the darkness thinking it would take me back to the suburbs but it was a dead end. It was interesting running through the thick trees where even the starlight was blotted out. Could not see a thing. More than once I heard rustling in the bushes. More than once I looked over my shoulder. Fun!

How do you run on an uneven dirt road in the dark without a light? You have to sense the road and just know where to step.