Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bicycling 14 miles in Mul holloand drive

Got dehydrated .... It is a good work out though

Monday, September 21, 2009

Last Day of Summer - Bouldering up Little Cottonwood Canyon

Question: What does one do on the last day of Summer? Answer: Go climb a rock!

Tom makes his moves – this was a warmup for him.

Brendan and Tom in tandem.

Brendan makes his moves on a Gate Boulder.

Nicole's love rocks. Um... no, she loves rock. (Get the pun?)

Nicole makes her moves.

There was a bug on her hand and she blew him a kiss.

The gang rushes the rock! Sravanthi, Amit and Brendan.

Sravanthi makes her moves.

Summitting Everybody's Boulder.

Tom and Marty attentively coaching the kids.

Marty on one of the Gate Boulders.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bicycling 9 miles in Agoura & Oak park in hot sun

Ran 5 miles

Ran down to the Jordan River, ran along the river, then back up to the canal and home. High humidity - dehydrated a bit, but it was great.

Bicycling 17 miles in mulholland drive.

It was fun and exhaustive.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bouldering in the Wasatch

Went bouldering after work today – traversing the rock face close to the ground. Great workout.

 The Wasatch Mountains seen from Big Cottonwood Canyon – just love those beautiful ragged crags.

 One day I shall scale faces such as this, perhaps.

 Note the variations in types of rock.

 Flowers growing in the rock wall – gotta love it! I got a bit carried away with getting this shot and went about 25 feet up before I knew it – oops! No worries.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rock Climbing - 3 x climbs

Went rock climbing with Tom again. (He loves teaching.) He brought Laura along as an assistant coach.

What I appreciate about these guys is a fanaticsm for safety. Like, they check everything every time and follow the climbing protocols all the time. Pros!

So, I can tell you that at the top of every climb I was bathed in sweat – definitely counts as exercise!

This time I learned something about how to lead climb (first one up the rock), clipping into anchors in the rock as you go. Tom hooked up a "top rope" so us novices could always have a rope securing us all the way in case we fell. No falls this time. Then we learned about how you take down the top tope when you are done.

The mountains are incredibly beautiful! If my camera battery hadn't died I would have had more pics to share here. Next time.

I seem to be getting a better sense of things, seeing the rock better, where my foot will slip and where it will stick. I might have been bitten, I think.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Ran up in the Wasatch Mountains - high altitude

Trail run from Alta, Wasatch Mountains

Someone told me it was over 8,000 feet – which possibly explains why I was so short of breath and had to walk so much! It is the time of the wildflowers – quite jaw-droppingly gorgeous. I also saw my first real, live chipmunk and marmot. The marmots were fat with lustrous coats like a mink – no doubt due to the vast abundance of bugs and flowres to chow on; but they were skittish and I did not get a picture of them.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Played tennis for 2 hours in oak park( Yesterday)

Played tennis for 2 hours in Woodland hills( Yesterday)

Played tennis for 2 hours in oak park

Played tennis for 2 hours in oak park

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ran a trail to a lake in the Wasatch Mountains


Probably between 6 - 8 miles round trip but with a lot of elevation gain. Did a lot of walk/run on the way up but going down was a blast. Of course I was totally not in shape for this kind of exertion but it was a whole lot of fun. Good to get out of the city.
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Monday, June 8, 2009

Trail Run to Dog Lake

Trail Run to Dog Lake

Ran a difficult, snow-bound trail up in the Wasatch mountains a few weeks ago. It was worth it!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jogging 1.5mi on Canwood street.

Nanda & Kaushik were joined me with a scooter. We went to Sreenivas house.. It was fun.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Where the Dande Lions Roar!

Doing shorter, sharper runs this week in preparation for the race on Sunday. (My sister-in-law is flying me out to Florida to do the run part in her triathlon relay.)

I found this canal not far from where I am living in Salt Lake City. It is fairly flat and away from traffic so it is good for some speed workouts. I thought the beds of dandelions along the shore were delightful. There are also quail, wild geese and various other species of bird life - quite wonderful!
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ran some miles in Salt Lake City

SLC is nearly a mile high, so the air is thin and cold.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ran 6 miles on the beach

If a stranger came up to you and asked for your camera, what would you do? Better yet, you are in a foreign country and a local wants your camera. Would you give it to him? Well, I keep doing that – asking people for their cameras – and I have yet to be refused. Today included a group of young Japanese girls on Santa Monica beach. You should have seen the poses they struck and they were delighted with the pictures I took of them with their camera. I guess I'm just a photographer and when I don't have my own camera handy I get someone else's!

It was a lovely run in the sun. Yes, there is snow on the mountains, but the beach was warm. Go figure!

Got a blister under my big toe from running barefoot on the sand. Actually, I must be getting in shape (and thus running faster) if I generated enough friction for a blister! :) Only the left foot, don't know why. It was worth it.

Love the beach. Love the ocean. Love running.
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Friday, February 6, 2009

Ran a mile in 6:25

This is discouraging. Last week I ran the 2 miles to the track and then timed a mile at 6:23, which was slower than a previous attempt. I put it down to being tired.

So this week I drove to the track, warmed up at the track and then ran 6:25 - slower than last week! And I still felt tired. Of course it was pouring with rain.


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ran 5 miles on Zuma Beach

It was chilly but warm enough to run barefoot. The water was as cold as winter. But the surfers and the dolphins seemed to at home in the rolling blue ocean. It was low tide and I was able to run all the way north to the rock promontory. There is a tunnel through the rocks to little private beaches. I touched the sea anemones and felt their stingers tug at my finger.

On the way back I took some pictures of a couple with their baby and dog - using their camera. Fabulous pictures in the morning sun gold and blue.

At the southern end rock climbers were already up the cliff. I helped a kid tie a rope - it seems nobody had ever taught him how to tie a knot.

I felt good running back to the car. The swim was breathtaking but my body was so warm from the running that the cold was confrontable, even refreshing. Caught a couple of waves. Only in Southern California!
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ran a mile in 6:23

Also ran about 2 miles to the track, including the 3/4 mile uphill on Mulholland. Beautiful tartan track at Calabasas High. Not a great time for the mile. I was tired!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ran about 5 miles

Ran the other way down Mulholland, paved, towards Valley Circle. It was cold but sunny. Felt good. I am gaining stamina.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ran to Lookout Point before dawn

A very bright moon lighted the way. The whole valley was a Christmas tree of lights twinkling in the dark.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ran 4 miles, to Lookout Point

Well, we call it Lookout Point because you can see the whole Valley from there. It was warm like summer! Like So Cal! Felt strong -- consistent training is paying off.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Played tennis over the weekend

It was nice.Intially it was cold and windy.Later it was really good.
But I had to stop since my ankle sprain.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Walked/ran 5 miles

Jane and I walked along Mulholland Drive and then cut across the wild land on a trail, descending to a park in the valley. Then I ran home and picked her up with the car on the way to grocery shopping at Trader Joe's where they gave us yummy free coffee and quinoa vegetarian & bean sample dish. Life is good!
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